Tell me the tales that to me were so dear 请你给我讲那 亲切的故事 Long, long ago; long, long ago. 多年以前,多年以前 Sing me the songs I delighted to hear 请你给我唱那动人的歌曲 Long, long ago; long ago. 多年以前,多年前 Now you are come, all my grief is removed 你已归来我忧愁全消散 Let me forget that so long you have roved 让我忘记你漂泊已多年 Let me believe that you love as you loved 让我深信你爱我仍如前 Long, long ago; long ago 多年以前,多年前 Do you remember the path where we met? 可记得我们相会的那条路 Long, long ago; long, long ago 多年以前,多年以前 Ah yes, you told me you never would forget 你告诉我你将永不忘怀 Long, long ago; long go 多年以前,多年前 Then to all others, my smile you preferred 我的微笑能使你常留恋 Love, when you spoke, gave a charm to each word 你每句话都打动我心弦 Still my heart treasures the praises I heard 赞美的话仍藏在我心间 Long, long ago; long ago 多年以前,多年前。 Though by your kindness my fond hopes were raised 你的爱情又唤起我的希望 Long, long ago; long, long ago 多年以前,多年以前 You, by more eloquent lips have been praised 有多少人曾经把你夸奖 Long, long ago; long ago 多年以前,多年前 But by long absence your truth has been tried 长久分离,你的爱仍不变 Still to your accent I listen with pride 你的声调仍然使我留恋 Blest as I was when I sat by your side 我多 幸福,像从前在你身边 Long, long ago; long ago 多年以前,多年前。
亚特兰蒂斯(希腊语:Ἀτλαντὶς νῆσος),位于欧洲到直布罗陀海峡附近的大西洋之岛,传说中拥有高度文明发展的古老大陆、国家或城邦之名。有记载最早的描述出现于古希腊哲学家柏拉图的著作《对话录》里,据称其在公元前一万年被史前大洪水毁灭。